Growth Mindset


Prior to this assignment, I had never heard of Carol Dweck, but I have learned how to create a healthy and accommodative mindset. I think it is important to mention that everyone interprets the world differently, which directly affects how individuals perceive their understanding of the world. 

Traditional grading vs. non-traditional- The "Not Yet" grading system allows failing students to get another chance to prove their knowledge, without feeling discouraged. I think non-traditional grading is a great outlet for those who may struggle with absorbing and connecting course content in a fast-paced environment. Personally, I can relate to those students who may need extra time to fully comprehend topics. Due to our modern educational expectations, these students are oftentimes overlooked because they are considered less qualified in the eyes of many professionals. Traditional grading is not a bad way to display one's knowledge, especially for those who excel off of this type of recognition. In fact, I do think the "Not Yet" grading approach would benefit the majority of the expelled and "average" students. Using this grading technique allows students to understand that failing a task is OK and that it can help them in the future when faced with issues or errors in the real world. I think it is crucial for our generation to understand that failure doesn't mean you will never succeed, instead, it will make you stronger and more relatable. 

I think being challenged is the key to building a foundation of success. Realizing that you can use problem-solving and personal knowledge to create a solution to a high-level question, develops confidence and a higher sense of ability in the individual. I think it is interesting that Carol Dweck found that some children try to escape and ignore the error, and others take the error, interpret it, then use it as a challenge to achieve their goals. Personally, I think the children who see the difficult task as an opportunity, will become more successful in the future, due to their strong mindset. 

Praise for work with or without an award at the end? Which would you choose?

This rewarding system interested me because as a person who works hard out of pure drive and curiosity, I do not normally expect anything in return, other than the self-reassurance of, "Wow! I did a really good job on that project" or "Look at me! I would have never thought I'd be in the position I am today". Personally, I think my "rewards" come from the power of knowing that I am capable of creating and achieving great things; in the long run, the short term goals are the determining factor in whether you will achieve your biggest dreams or not. 

Growth Mindset in Classrooms

Whether a child is educated in a poor, low socioeconomic classroom, or a prestigious school system, I believe that all students have an equal chance of achieving a personal growth mindset, if their teacher or mentor understands the importance of how to teach in a way that will deny the doubts and uncertainties that may pre-exist. Challenge is often ignored by children who were raised to believe that they are not capable of higher education or big dreams. It was interesting to see the statistics on how equality in mindset is possible for anyone, but that it has to be taught and reinforced. This goes along directly with the second video that covers comfort zones. For the students who are not used to stepping outside of their "zone", the steps to a growth mindset will feel uncomfortable. This video reminded me of a quote that I so often have to remind myself when I am feeling discouraged: 

Jillian Michaels Quote Published by Ed Gregory
Source: Quotefancy


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