Week 2 Reading Overview


While researching the two reading options for the next few week's readings, I have chosen to read the Public Domain Edition: Ramayana. I like the fact that it is an anthology version of the Ramayana because I will be able to read different perspectives through a variety of different authors. I think that having numerous authors tell the Ramayana will allow me to widen my creative thinking to enable my writing skills. Another deciding factor came down to my preference in how I retain the story's details, and in this case, I am lucky to have the option to listen to the stories, rather than reading them myself. Over my many years in school, I have found that this is the easiest way for me to absorb the information that is given in a book or reading. Additionally, the illustrations, notes, and links will help further my knowledge about the Ramayana because I am a very visual person. For example, in the first minute of listening to the audio recording of King Dasharatha, the author described the heavenly city of grandiose streets and tall temples. Hearing this description helped me picture what kind of setting we will be in as we read these stories. 

The graphic on the Comic, Guide: Kumbhakarna caught my eye because it reminded me of a Buddha. This may seem random, but when my little brother was a baby, we called him "Buddha baby" because he was so chubby 😂. Besides that, I like the empowerment that Kumbhakarna displays throughout the stories I read. He seems like a powerful man that is full of life. I also chose the Guide: Bhanumati, because she is the granddaughter of Krishna, who I had an immediate interest in. The introduction tells a short story on how Bhanumati gets kidnapped from Nikumbha. I have always been interested in crime stories, fiction or nonfiction, so I am curious to read where Bhanumati gets taken to... From what I can see on the comic graphic, she is being lifted away by a bird, so we will see. So far, I am hooked. I found a beautiful photo of Arjuna and Krishna in a horse-drawn carriage and I cannot wait to find out what stories lie behind this photo. 

Image Source: Arjuna and Krishna

"Swami Vivekananda- A Monk From India" Youtube

This Hindu Monk and Hindu master caught my eye because he teaches spiritual discipline through yoga. As told in my introduction post, I enjoy exercising and yoga. I have been practicing yoga for almost 6 years now and I appreciate how Swami Vivekananda promotes positive awareness among different religions and clears people's doubts with guidance and love.

"Foods For Gods" Youtube

This video stood out to me because the word food is something my eyes are drawn to, especially because I am very hungry right now. I am interested in the food that other cultures have and I hope to one day get the chance to travel around the country to try some. It was interesting to me that in this video, they have different foods and beverages that signify different meanings to their Gods. For example, "Soma", is the intoxicating beverage that is served among the Gods in times of festivity. I love that everything they revolve their lives around for survival has a soul purpose. 


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