Microfiction: What Does "Home" Mean to You?


What do you think of when you think of the word "home"? Is there someone that comes to mind? A memory? A smell? A place? A song?

According to Wikipedia, a home is a living space used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual, family, household, or several families in a tribe.

Home might be a person or place that makes you feel loved, valued, and respected. This is a place that should allow you to embrace your true self without fear or judgment. Home is different for everyone, but at heart, it means the same thing. 

Author's Note: I wrote this microfiction because I am in the process of defining what "home" means to me, as I plan for my life after graduation. After May 2021, I plan on moving to a city that is new to me. Although the location of my new home is not yet decided, I realized that the first step in my decision is to determine what factors make me feel "at home". Through this thought process, I have come up with five things that I must have to feel at peace: natural light, a stovetop for cooking, a friendly roommate, my favorite candle (Jasmine, Oud & Sandalwood), and a place to entertain. I know that each of these will ease me into the new chapter of my life!

Bibliography: Home. October 1, 2020. Source.

Image Information: Personal Photo of a place that makes me happy (Santa Fe, New Mexico); Photo from December 2019.


  1. Hi Caroline,
    When I read your microfiction the phrase that popped into my mind was "home is where the heart is". I have always struggled to define home for myself, but I like how you thought about it in terms of how it affects your relationship with yourself. I also thought it was interesting how you implied that you can find your home in the people around you, not just a physical place, and how you finally drew from these considerations to come up with physical surroundings that make you feel at home, like candles and natural light.


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