Week 8 Progress

 Week 8 Progress

Overall, I accept the progress I have made, even though I am not on the original path I had planned, which was to complete the course by Thanksgiving. I trust that I'll receive the grade I want because I believe that I am putting in the necessary work, so I suppose I should look on the bright side. I am most proud of the growth and presence of my blog. Despite the fact that I have gotten off schedule the past few weeks, I have done a good job of completing or making up for assignments; I plan on finding out a better schedule for myself. Recently, I have been extra busy completing graduate school applications, which is why my original plan to get ahead is no longer an option. In the past week, I have used the extra credit options to make up for the points I didn't receive from previous weeks, and I intend on doing the same for the weeks to come. My favorite part of the class is reading the comments that my classmates leave on each of my posts. Most of them make each of my days better!
Things have gone great while developing my blog, and I have even felt inspired to create my own personal blog when I get the chance. I am so happy that I have learned how to create and navigate my own page. There has been some personal confusion behind the production of my website. I have never used Google Sites before this class, so it was especially difficult for me to comprehend, especially with having another platform. Posting on two different platforms and basically combining them was super hard for me to understand at the beginning of the process, but I think I have a better grasp on it now. 

As mentioned above, I plan on avoiding missing assignments by creating a better schedule for my current life. Hopefully, once I am done with my applications I will have more free time to go above and beyond with each of my posts. I plan on staying in the same area of writing that I have been working on because it works best for me. At the moment, I will not be changing anything on my blog or website, but I am sure that will change!

Image Information: Inspirational Quote from Instagram. Source.


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